Thursday, September 29, 2016

Watercolor FAQs: Have a Chat with Yao Cheng

* This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase through my links.

Creativebug instructor and watercolor genius, Yao Cheng, has welcomed us into her studio for an in-depth Q&A.

In Yao's latest class she answers frequently asked questions, written into Creativebug by their members.

They want to know Yao's process, her inspiration to how she composes a painting. This interview-style class is perfect for those just starting out with watercolor, as well as those who are further along but still have questions.

In this 40-minute video, Yao Cheng shares her approach to everything from composition and confidence, and advice on how to digitize your painting but don't know where to begin.

This 1 HD video lesson can be accessed online anytime, anywhere. You can also leave comments, ask questions, and interact with other students in this class.

If you want to learn more about Yao Cheng's creative process, you may register today and start your free trial.

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